Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Bathtub Is In

Two weekends ago Dave came to build in my bathtub. He came over with John and we talked about how it would go, a 5 foot tub in a space roughly 6 1/2 feet long. I couldn't help myself, I wanted to know what it would take to swap (back) the locations of the shower and the toilet. After reviewing the work it would take, I gave it up. Dave wondered if we should go ahead with the plan as it was, or if I wanted some more time to think about it. 'No, let's go ahead,' I said.

But I was pretty bummed about it.

Not 10 minutes later I called him back and told him to tell John NOT to build it. I wasn't sure of my decision. It was (and is) hard for me to believe that it would be that onerous to replumb the toilet to the stack just 18 inches away. But Dave had said something about not wanting to cut into a joist--to put in a toilet drain--and compromise the structure of the floor supports, especially so near to the bathtub. I'm not sure that would be necessary... but I digress.

After a week of stewing over it, I've given up all over again. The shower stays. The toilet stays. Forward ho with the bathtub! So Dave came back this past weekend and put it in place. I think he's been back again on Monday and Tuesday to finish up the plumbing and clean up. It looks pretty good now, better than the picture since it is cleaned up.

Now I've got some errands to run again. I need to buy shower hardware to get the valve which needs to be put in place before the tiling can be done. And I need to get my tub faucet. I don't think either of these will be prohibitive--even for me--but, well, I seem to have a knack for making things more difficult than most.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

She's Baaack!

I've moved back into my house. It was rough going the first couple of days, the hot water was shut off and there was a circuit or two out of commission. Dave came and sorted that all out, including capping the gas line that went to the old stove (whew! glad I didn't try my luck at starting the gas water heater!... Actually, that would have been okay, the gas was shut off at the meter which I never would have figured out or dared mess with unadvised).

But, now that that's all settled, it's good to be back. I managed to get back into the house just 2 nights before the annual "Take Back The Night" night of block parties everywhere. It was dumb luck that I managed to pick a route back to the house that I could actually take all the way back to the house. That was the same day Dave came to fix the gas and the electric. When he arrived at the house he said "how come you're not out there with all your neighbors?"... Uh, no good reason. So I went to the nearest block party--or second nearest, there were two within half a block of my house, which seems a little ridickle to me.

Anyway, I went to the one a half block to the south (rather than half a block to the north), and met at least 6 of my neighbors. For me, (when I'm suffering the shame of having forgotten about the whole thing and so being unprepared with no macaroni salad of my own to contribute...) that was pretty good. I met Dennis from the corner, and Todd from the other corner, both of whom I'd met before. Then I met Jeanne and Kevin, and Jeff and Dave and Ellie, and Rita and Bill.. Hey! I remember more than I thought!! Anyway, they were all really nice, an it was pretty fun to say "I live in the house right down there, the one with the new porch." And listen to people ooh and aah over it. Todd, whose house was right there where the party was, had TONS of work done on his house before he and his family moved into it. I told him he was "the pride of the neighborhood." "Not like Dave," he protested. Dave used to live in the house right next door to Todd, until about 4 days prior to the party. Dave and his family moved into a house 4 blocks down the street, "the one that was raised up." O my god, I know that house. It's true, Todd's house is nothing compared to Dave's. And Todd--I happen to know--bought his house for 500K and said it wouldn't be liveable until he put 200K more into it--and he did!

Anyway, I still felt (feel) pretty darn good about my porch. Dave (my contractor) said it would be the nicest porch on the block, and I think he's right. Luckily Dave (my neighbor) no longer lives on my block!

The kitchen floor is grouted and sealed, and it's BEAUTIFUL. I need to talk with Dave and see if he'll just build a tub surround for the tub that I have. It's less than optimal, but it's a good brand, it's a nice tub and best of all it's bought and paid for and ready to go. I'll get a toilet this weekend from my folks, then I'll just need a vanity and that upstairs bath will be good to go! Then if I can order my freakin' cabinets it'll be almost done!