The more I tried to notice knobs and handles on doors and drawers everywhere I went, the more I saw that they were all centered. For some reason I was really resistant to that. And I noticed that cabinet handles for lower cabinet doors were pretty nearly always symmetrical to the upper cabinet door handles (that's a chicken and egg thing, I'm only saying they matched in the end).
So something in me snapped, and I pulled the trigger. I got my pencils and my measuring tools and my drill and my screwdriver and I put the dang things on. Can you tell whether the lower door handles are the same measure from the edges as the upper door handles? Can ya', huh? How about the lower drawers? :)
I'm a rebel, they're not just the same, but they're pretty dang close. It's like that time I dyed my hair, anybody else could barely tell the difference, but to me it looked a clownish compared to my natural hair color I was used to. I have the same feeling about make up, though I've worn it on occasion and truly enjoyed it (more often than not thanks to my cousin Leslie's handiwork).
Oh yeah, and I've skipped one cabinet that I'm thinking about doing differently. Don't ask me why, I guess I'm just not done thinking about it yet.