Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Color Safe

I got a phone call, maybe prompted by my last entry before this one, that sage green is "totally fine" it's lime green that's "out". Aah.


MySchrödingerBaby said...

LOVE sage green, I think it's one of the best colors for interior paint ever.
Paul is currently dancing and gassing repeatedly. He's almost singing a song about it.

mcgoughbulls said...

Very glad to hear it as that's what we have just used on our two front rooms, and we won't be changing it anytime soon. B

Lisa said...

Lime green. Just Say No.

I just wish someone had said that to our neighbors before they painted their house.

Lassila said...

LOVE sage green - it's what we painted our old living room and I found it very soothing.