I'm so tired. But what a great weekend!! All of the cabinets are in except for the two in the island, and I need to figure those out still... like, now. I also need to get a cooktop and an oven, then I can order countertops. If I do the countertops in two separate orders, I could do the perimeter ones now and the island, with the cooktop, later.
Day 2 we got in the lowers in the south wall and the uppers on the north wall and got the boxes out for the lowers on the west wall. Day 3, Julia, Barb, Pat and I got all the lowers mostly in on the west and north walls and Lara and Julia moved the refrigerator into the kitchen from the dining room which involved emptying it and taking off the doors. Paul pretty much floated, and Dad was on call for helping us while he was otherwise upstairs working on putting together a shopping list for the bathroom plumbing.
We went as long as we could before Paul basically demanded a nap, which meant it was time for the Portland and points south contingent to have lunch and hit the road. I met them at Kidd Valley for lunch, then we pretty much went our separate ways. When I returned home Steve had arrived and Dad was not yet back from the hardware stores for plumbing supplies (he has all my sympathy for that task which is never so simple as it might sound).
We re-set the cabinet above the refrigerator, which had been quite a puzzle when we put it in the day before, and still didn't look quite right. I can't remember which assumption we'd made that worked against us, either that the box was square or that the corner of the wall was, or that the wall itself was plumb. Anyway, we released a little pressure on all but one of the screws and placed another shim or two and then called it good. Similarly we made some final adjustments to the lower cabinets in the northwest corner and then screwed everything together one final time. (Pat and Barb, you won't believe how tight we finally got that joint. It looks great and when I got the doors back on those cabinets at first they actually overlapped a little bit!).
Here's hoping the dentist can find time for me tomorrow. I lost a filling on Saturday night and have been dealing with a sharp crag where my lower left molar is supposed to be for a coupld of days now. I'm not having sensitivity to hot and cold (yet) so maybe I should count myself lucky for that. With all the great help and passing luck on everything with the kitchen this weekend, I am counting myself very lucky for a lot of things right now.
The fridge was Lara's mission of the day, I only helped for a minute during the moving process. What an impressive volume of work for a weekend. It was a pleasure to get to see everyone, celebrate, and get some good work in. Though I admit I did more shopping and drinking of coffee than actual working.
Hey Julia, Somebody's got to do it, especially when there is a baby to watch, and it was nice it wasn't me this time. Though I also got my QT with the cutie. Way to go on those doors, Deb. That shows more focus than I've been able to muster lately.
Is the existing microwave going to fit in the hole, or are you shopping for that too? If you end up changing out the island base cabinets, I might be able to buy them. I'm shopping for just that for the "powder room" downstairs. I have an Ikea table top in need of support. I'm still looking for a spot for any leftover kitchen tile... B
I'm just glad y'all came. I loved having Paul and Minka around when they were there, and it was a blessing to have a surplus of bodies here when they were so that both visiting and progress could happen.
I feel like production was pretty constant, which to me means that everyone around was helpful. I lose focus when I'm by myself cause I can't keep track of it all. It makes it hard to stop thinking about all of it and just do one thing. I know, I need to re-take project management training. It's actually on my performance appraisal to-do list this year. That and time management....
My existing microwave will fit on the shelf, but just barely, and the front of it will hang off another 3 inches or so, so I'll probably get a new one.
The cabinet dimensions for the island spare is 21" wide by 24" deep (standard countertop depth) plus the 3/4 inches or so for the door.
My tile contractor will likely take the leftover tile if it is unclaimed, though I could use it for my powder room as well. Dad's been telling me all about how crappy that bathroom is, and I know that it's true. If I have any money left after the rest of it, I'd love to re-do it. At that point I may not be able to afford to redo it in tile. Tile would be coolest though...
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