Monday, May 05, 2008


My front porch steps were in bad shape before this weekend. They were crumbling and too high. I tripped and fell on them once in the winter I guess, and I know Sim tripped on them once that I saw, and supposedly his assistant tripped on them once too. I called Dave last week and he came to fix them on Sunday.

I was out all day babysitting for Laurie--not at my house with all of one chair in the living room, no kitchen, and no cable. It was a beautiful day anyway, so there was no call to be spending time indoors anyway.

Dave called in the morning, for I can't remember what, but I knew he was working on it. We stopped by the house at some point in the day so I could drop off Henri, and Dave was still working. So we said hi and dropped Henri, as gracefully as possible, over the fence into the back yard. (Stupid me, I coulda' taken him through the gate on the other side. He's FINE!)

I got home after dinner. It was still daylight. The front of the house is in shadow. I thought they looked a little off. Sure enough. There are 4 steps with the following rises, in inches, from the top down:
5.25, 5.75, 6.75, and 6.75

It's nice that they're all solid and straight now, but this is still unacceptable. I sent Dave an email today to that effect, and with some pictures to boot. We'll see what he says.

Sim, on the other hand, hasn't done anything since last Thursday, not even so much as returned my calls (4 of them).

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