Daily progress continues in the bathroom. I couldn't be pleaseder. Today Csaba finished the shower except for the cubby for the shampoo shelf thingy. And he started putting the ledge on the wall for the tub surround where, truly there should be bullnosed edge, but that's just not how the chips have fallen.
So time was of the essence for me to make a needed fix to the tub fixtures. Can you see what I did? I fixed the "fix" that my first tile-setting contractor did.
Okay, so you'd have to click on the pictures to see it well enough to actually pick it up. There are 4 holes for the tub faucet trim kit. Each hole has a brass eye-shaped piece that's screwed to the 2x4 frame for the tub. The three "eyes" in the center are oriented horizontally, those are the ones for the hot and cold handles and for the spout. The fourth "eye" is for the handshower, and is oriented vertically. It was originally set that way by my plumber, though I had to show him the part of the instructions for the trim kit install that showed it that way.. or maybe described it that way, I can't remember now. Anyway, when I corrected the plumber, he had already drawn with a marker where the eye-shaped mount would be if it was horizontal, so when he put it in correctly, the mark showed conspicuously and looked wrong.
My first tile-setter saw that and "fixed" it for me. I'm sure it was an innocent mistake, but one that could have been avoided if he'd asked me a question about it. He didn't. That's why I say it's nice to have a contractor who asks questions when something unexpected or unconventional arises.
Questions are good. Questions now are better than yelling later.
My tile-setter forgot to cut a hole for the showerhead. Good thing his fiance came over to take portfolio pictures, because she stopped and said, "um, you have a problem here," and we both said, "huh? where?"
Good thing it hadn't dried. He was mortified. I told him he owed her one NICE dinner for that catch.
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