Monday, August 11, 2008

It's My Turn

I paid a little money for a lot of caulk tonight...
That sounds funny if you say it right

For a couple of weeks now, the tile has been done and it's up to just me now to get the corners caulked and the fixtures mounted so that I can use the shower and the tub.

TWO WEEKS and I only JUST BOUGHT the caulk I need. I feel like I can't wait for it to be done, but apparently I can.

I just got a bid back for the kitchen counters. Maybe that will come together more quickly. That's another task where my part is little more than reading and pen- lifting.


Lisa said...

Sheez, I have caulk. Multiple tubes, if I remember correctly. Only slightly used. I'd have been happy to offload -- I mean, donate to your cause.

Arece's Africa Adventure said...

Oh that is funny! Good for you, keeping going! And still with her sense of humor!