Today, I'm blogging while I should be in bed sleeping. But the workers sent by the first guy yesterday are here installing steel straps under the island countertop. I'm really glad to have this done sooner than later (of course, I thought this was what would be done yesterday), but I'd rather be sleeping than typing and listening to them work. ...Actually, it sounds like it may not be much longer now. Forgive me but I don't feel like taking their picture even though they're probably very photogenic young couple (maybe they even really are a couple?) and she's wearing a fun pink long pile hat. I'll take pictures of the work when they're done, and when I'm done napping.
As for the plumber yesterday. I now have kitchen sinks!! Yippie! Still to be done, install the dishwasher and the insta-hot (it's actually some other brand, but I'm not going to go look right now). That'll be the end of the plumbing in the kitchen.
Other stuff to do in the really near term:
wire electricity for the oven
buy/install and oven
install bathtub trim kit
buy a vanity/sink for the bathroom
install/mount cabinet hardware drawer and door pulls
install a threshold/transition for the step up to the bathroom
clean up the breaker box and re-mount the face plate
lights and switches
take a bunch of crap to the dump
Late last night I went to finish up my taxes. I forgot that I had done them on my desktop machine at home, I was thinking that I had worked on them using something web based so they were on a server somewhere. About 2 months ago my desktop box stopped working completely. There's not so much as a flicker when I hit the power switch. So I got to re-do my taxes last night from the beginning. It wasn't that much, but it took me a while to put my hands on it all. I e-filed right at midnight. I'm unsure what to expect, but I hope to get an email from the government in the next couple of days.
Oy! I need to sleep!
The people are gone and the work for this particular task is done, and it's 10 a.m. Whew!
Here are some photos of the sinks and the underside/backside of the island.

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