Sunday, July 13, 2008

tick tock..

I've hired a new tile setter. Curious that there are no new pictures though, eh? Well, that's because nothing's changed yet. I signed the new contract, I dunno, Tuesday or Wednesday last week and they said "It's possible we could start tomorrow". But when tomorrow came they were not ready to start.

The difference? I haven't paid them anything yet, and I won't until they're done... Maybe that's not a difference until they're done, come to think of it. But I expect to hear from them this week. (Does that go without saying?)


MySchrödingerBaby said...

Somewhat hard not to punish the contractor for the sins of his predecessor...

deb said...

Yeah. The last guy wore ruts in my nerves that now are so easy to find.

Anonymous said...

What's the rush? There's no hurry. Slow down, relax, it's summertime and the livin is easy.