Sunday, March 08, 2009

Cabinet Hardware--Door Handles, Lower

I'm putting hardware on cabinets. I've sort of just started even though I'm kind of 1/3 done. I mounted all of the handles on the upper cabinets, and now I'm not sure how to place the handles on the lower cabinets, and same for the drawers.

So here are my choices. Note there's a higher and a lower option. One puts the handle as high as is practical on the door edge. The other is offset slightly lower, kind of less symmetric distances from the top and side. Each has it's appeal to me, but I haven't decided yet. So for now, I'm still mounting them temporarily for "testing" kind of purposes with stick-em putty stuff. So every time I go to open a lower cabinet door I pull the handle off. Sometimes they come off all of their own volition. I guess it's asking a little much of stick-em to hold on cabinet door handles.

So, I guess I'd have to say that one of the candidates is in the lead. I also have to admit that I'm actually considering a third option which is somewhere between the first two. That just sounds nutty to me, but as you can see I can rationalize overthinking pretty much ANYTHING.

These two shots show how the larger reveal matches the upper cabinets. But I think the fact that they're lowers means they look different anyway, so I may not need to worry about that symmetry problem. I'd really like them to be as high as I can aesthetically tolerate, though we're only talking about a difference of a half an inch here. I really don't want to drill any holes 'til I feel like I know I've chosen the option that I want. The larger reveal, the one that matches the uppers, seems like the safest option... Ugh, but I don't like it because it shows too much space!

We'll see how long this little puzzle entertains me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb, I think the pics prove that either one will look good, so I say go with the higher. A half an inch can be significant in ergonomics. My $.02. :) Leslie