Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's starting!


I got a call from Dave (the contractor) early this morning. He's got a free day and was hoping to get started in the basement TODAY as well as take some more measurements and pick up copies of my as-builts that Julia did just under2 years ago. Shew!

I'm a little nervous about it but glad to be starting. And for all the questions that I still have about the finished plan, I'm confident that what we're doing today is something I want to do and the right first step to any of the options I'm considering for anything else. We're breaking up and digging up some of the concrete slab in the basement, creating a new temporary header to jack up the beam and joists to level the kitchen floor. YAY!... YIKES!... I mean YAY!


Thank you all for your inspiration and good wishes!! I'll need 'em.

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